A closing ceremony was held on the afternoon of 26 June 2022, after four days of effective work by the external assessment team, staff members, and students at the meeting room of Building A11. Dalat University cooperated with the Centre for Education Accreditation, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City to organise of the official survey to accredit the quality of education programmes of five undergraduate programmes: Social Work, Oriental Studies, Law, English Language, and Tourism and Travel Services Management (according to Circular No. 04/2016/TT-BGDDT).

The closing ceremony was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Ngoc Quynh Lam, Director of Centre for Education Accreditation, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City. For the external assessment team, there were in attendance Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong, Vice President of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, head of the delegation, and 14 experts and members of the delegation.
For Dalat University, there were present Dr. Le Minh Chien, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of Dalat University; Dr. Nguyen Van Vinh, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Dr. Mai Minh Nhat, Standing Party Committee, Vice president; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tat Thang, Party Committee member, Vice President; Mr. Tran Thong (MSc.), Party Committee member, Vice President, together with leaders of departments, institutes, centres, libraries, dormitories, trade unions, the HCM Communist Youth Union-Vietnam National Union of Student, deans, and lecturers of five academic departments that have accredited programmes.

During the official survey period from June 23 to 26, the external assessment team surveyed, studied the evidence, and interviewed recruiters, former and current students, the Executive Board, leaders of Party organisations, faculties, departments, centres, functional departments, and representatives of lecturers. They collected stakeholder feedback, assessed the employment situation of graduates, and inspected the library, document storage rooms, practise rooms, laboratories, classrooms, training grounds, and dormitories to verify the information in the Dalat University self-assessment report, thereby making recommendations to improve the quality of the University’s educational programmes.

At the closing ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong and members of the external assessment team presented a report on the preliminary results of the evaluation of five educational programmes. Accordingly, the team highly appreciates the clearly defined goals and outcomes of the programmes, which are in line with the University’s vision and mission and with the goals of higher education. The assessment team commented that Dalat University has appropriate regulations and guidelines regarding the teaching staff, other staff, and student support activities, and that investment in the university’s facilities and reference materials meet the educational and extra-curricular needs of students. The assessment team also pointed out the strengths and made recommendations for each training programme of the University so that DLU can continue to improve after the assessment.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, President Le Minh Chien thanked the Centre for Education Accreditation, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, and the external assessment team for taking the time to survey and give objective, honest, professional, and accurate comments so that the University can continue to improve and perfect the quality of education. Dr. Le Minh Chien affirmed that the assessment of the external assessment team is helping the University to identify and develop specialties for its educational programmes, thereby improving the quality of teaching and learning.

On behalf of the Centre for Education Accreditation, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Ngoc Quynh Lam congratulated Dalat University and the delegation for completing the assessment recognising the University’s efforts during the past working period.

The closing ceremony officially ended with the signing of the minutes of the completed survey between the representatives of the external assessment team, the Centre for Education Accreditation, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, and Dr. Le Minh Chien, representative of the Dalat University administration.
Department of Journalism and Communication